Saturday, March 24, 2007

Write in Farsi or English, That is the Question!

I created this blog for the sake of writing, so that it would be a start for me, to get my hand going, if that is even an expression. But I am so lazy in every regard that I won't even do this little thing. Or maybe not so very lazy. It's the end of the term now and last Tuesday I had this huge presentation and I still have this paper to finish. But still. I think it has more to do with me thinking that I don't have anything to say. That's why I won't write or feel little motivation for writing.
But I think I need more practice, I still am not used to it and the longer it takes between my posts, well the less I get used to it. My last post was in Farsi and when I was writing it, I realized that I like to write in Farsi more than in English. Maybe it's because I'm more used to it. Words form more quickly and correctly in my head into Farsi than English. Maybe, no, definitely, the reason is because I don't speak English as often as before. I have very few classes, I am rarely out of the house and therefore don't speak to non-Persians. And since Hubby has moved in all we speak is Farsi. This is bad for both of us, but Farsi's just way more sweet and comforting to hear. As well, we get our messages and opinions across with more feel and sentiment than when speaking English.
Anyway, back to school. My presentation went well, I think. Poor Hubby stayed up making my power point and I editing my paper. Now the main paper is due in a week and a half and since finishing my presentation last Tuesday till now, I have not made a single effort towards my paper. I'm screwed, yes I know. Especially since I am starting to worry about some other issue. But since it's not for certain I am not going to write about it, yet.
But then I guess we have to pay the price ourselves. Our English will never be as good, I mean not nearly as good as our English, even for me who has been here for a lot longer than Hubby. He is losing even more on this, because if at least I speak to him in English, his English would improve.
So I was debating whether to write my blogs in Farsi or in English, and I told myself, "the main reason you started this blog was to practice your English writing, and now you want to start writing in Farsi?" Although I know it would be great for me to do both, I am not writing often enough in my English blog, so as to start a Farsi one. But then again,I could write Farsi here as well when I really feel like writing in Farsi.
Yeah, I think that would be good, to write both in Farsi and English, whenever I feel like either.

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